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Title: New species of Elateridae (Coleoptera) from Sonora, Mexico, with new country and state records, new taxonomic changes and a classificatory checklist
Keywords: click beetle;taxonomy;fauna;biodiversity;Sky Island ranges
Publisher: Universidad de Guadalajara
Description: The click beetles (Elateridae) of Sonora, Mexico reported here are based on published historical records and recent sampling efforts in discrete Sky Island mountain ranges in the Madrean Archipelago north of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Sixty-three (63) species are listed from Sonora of which 41 are newly recorded. Anoplischius murrieta new species, Aptopus opata new species, and Aptopus purica new species are described. Aptopus allita Aranda is treated as a new synonym of A. subcarinatus Schaeffer. Conoderus texanus Candèze is removed from synonymy with C. vespertinus (F.) and reinstated as a valid species. Orthostethus caviceps Schaeffer is a new synonym of O. pectinicornis Champion. Aeolus livens (LeConte) is the senior homonym of A. livens Candèze, which is changed to A. ticuna new name. A summary checklist of recorded click beetle taxa from Sonora is provided.
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