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Title: The Effect of Internet Memes on LearnersÉngagement and Perfomance in English Grammar Tasks
Author: Osornio García, Gabriela Paola
Advisor/Thesis Advisor: Vázquez Carranza, Ariel
Keywords: Internet;Memes;Engagement
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2020
Publisher: Biblioteca Digital wdg.biblio
Universidad de Guadalajara
Abstract: Teaching and learning grammar has always been one of the most valued yet controversial aspects of English language teaching. Some propose that grammar should be taught unavoidably in order to produce language accurately and meaningfully. Some others, however, resist this idea and propose a more communicative approach for the development of the target language. (e.g. Batstone, 1994; Celce-Murcia, 1991; Pawlak, 2013; Quin & Liu, 2012). Richards & Rodgers, (2001) state that this communicative movement has stirred the focus away from grammar teaching into making the classroom an environment for authentic communication. However, for many teachers and learners, especially in the Mexican context, grammar is still a necessary feature to be taught in the language classroom as it is seen as an integral part of day to day meaningful communication and of language itself (Batstone, 1994; Pawlak, 2013). All in all, a shared objective is noticed when referring to grammar teaching and learning: meaningful and accurate communication. The development of the ability to use grammatical structures in order to communicate accordingly to the situation interpreting and negotiating meanings – known as communicative competence – has motivated the need for acquiring language in a more natural, authentic way. Thus, teachers debate between the traditional form-focused instruction versus the meaning-focused instruction (Loewen et al., 2009) when it comes to grammar tasks.
URI: Maestría en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera
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