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Title: Las libertades de pensamiento y expresión según la teoría liberal clásica
Publisher: Comunicación y Sociedad (DECS Universidad de Guadalajara)
Description: This article presents a recapping of classic liberal thought (from the 17th to the 19th century) which establishes the bases for what is known today as the right to freedom of information and speech. The author reviews the principal-ideas of John Milton, John Locke, Voltaire, D' Alembert, Diderot, Kant and Stuart Mill, and urges us to ponder their systematic, captivating and still valid vision, in relation to censorship, intolerance and absolutism in regards to expressing ideas.
Other Identifiers: Fregoso Peralta, G. (1996). Las libertades de pensamiento y expresión segun la teoría liberal clásica. Comunicación Y Sociedad, 195–232. Retrieved from
Appears in Collections:CUALTOS

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