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Title: Processes of Teaching-Learning English as a Foreing Language. Trends and Challenges in Mexico
Keywords: ESTUDIO DE IDIOMA EXTRANJERO > Ingles como segundo lenguaje;Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas;Idioma > Inglés y viejo inglés > Inglés y viejo inglés
Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara
Description: Teaching today must be understood as a process that influences and is influenced by personal, social, and cultural aspects. Thus, quality in the teaching-learning process consists of reinfarcing the compromise between the social and educational contexts (Fernández Batanero, 2004). In the specific case of teaching English as a fareign language in Mexico, Rueda & Wilburn (2015) argue that it is necessary even from the third grade of preschool. This need has led to the Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica (National Program far English in Basic Education [PNIEB]) (SEP, 2009) to being part of the curriculum development area far more than a decade now. The primary goal of this program is far the learner to carry out pragmatic, cultural, and sociolinguistic practices that satisfy communicative needs and create awareness of otherness. Certainly, the fact of living in a globalized world promotes interna­tionalization in the fields of education, economy, medicine, technology, etc. Therefare, the teaching of English in Mexico seeks to develop individuals capable of carrying out the afarementioned practices and to develop this awareness of the existence of other languages and cultures.
Appears in Collections:Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara

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