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dc.contributor.authorPérez Hernández, Ernesto
dc.description.abstractWe present radial photometric and spectroscopic study of a sample of the brightest cluster member of 14 cD galaxies (A193, A426, A496 ,A754, A1413, NGC 4874, NGC 4839, A1795, A2162, A2199, A2399, A2589, A2634 and A2670). We obtained the line-strength radial gradients up to 3 re in some cases and compare the models between Vazdekis et al. (2010) and Thomas, Maraston, and Bender (2003) to nd the radial age and metallicity with index-index diagrams. The results from non-emission line aected galaxies show lower metallicity at large radius with generally younger ages (A2162) and nd cases of a radial tendency towards a second nucleus (A2199). Also we included the full-spectral tting method with pPXF obtaining kinematic data like radial velocity, and velocity dispersion with radius uncovering dynamical and geometrical properties of galaxies.
dc.description.tableofcontentsDeclaration of Authorship Acknowledgements List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction: cDs Galaxies and philosophy of this thesis 1.1 cD Galaxies 1.2 Theories of formation and evolution 1.2.1 Merger 1.2.2 Tidal stripping 1.2.3 Primordial origin 1.2.4 Cooling fows 1.3 Stellar populations 1.3.1 Denition 1.3.2 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram 1.3.3 Stellar lifetime 1.3.4 Simple stellar population 1.3.5 The age-metallicity degeneracy 1.3.6 Spectra of Simple Stellar Populations (SSP) 1.4 Background 2 Data and Methodology 2.1 Data 2.2 Data reduction 2.2.1 Bias 2.2.2 Flat-eld 2.2.3 Wavelength calibration 2.2.4 Flux calibration 2.2.5 Background subtraction, spectral extraction and combination 2.3 Methodology 2.3.1 Lick indices The models 2.3.2 pPXF 2.3.3 FWHM correction 2.4 Stars 2.5 Photometric data 3 The case of A2162 3.1 General properties of NGC 6086 (A2162) 3.2 Observations and Data Reduction 3.2.1 Spectroscopy observations 3.2.2 Spectroscopic data reduction 3.2.3 Photometry observations 3.3 Spectroscopy 3.3.1 Spectra 3.3.2 Kinematics Age and metallicity Indices Photometry 4 Results: Spectroscopy and photometry 4.1 A193 4.1.1 Kinematics 4.1.2 Age and metallicity 4.1.3 Indices 4.1.4 Photometry 4.2 A426 4.2.1 Kinematics 4.2.2 Age and metallicity 4.2.3 Indices 4.2.4 Photometry 4.3 A496 4.3.1 Kinematics 4.3.2 Age and metallicity 4.3.3 Indices 4.4 A754 4.4.1 Kinematics 4.4.2 Age and metallicity 4.4.3 Indices 4.4.4 Photometry 4.5 A1413 4.5.1 Kinematics 4.5.2 Age and metallicity 4.5.3 Indices 4.6 A1656 (NGC 4874) 4.6.1 Kinematics 4.6.2 Age and metallicity 4.6.3 Indices 4.7 A1656 (NGC 4839) 4.7.1 Kinematics 4.7.2 Age and metallicity 4.7.3 Indices 4.8 A1795 4.8.1 Kinematics 4.8.2 Age and metallicity 4.8.3 Indices 4.9 A2199 4.9.1 Kinematics 4.9.2 Age and metallicity 4.9.3 Indices 4.9.4 Photometry . . 4.10 A2366 4.10.1 Kinematics 4.10.2 Age and metallicity 4.10.3 Indices 4.10.4 Photometry 4.11 A2589 4.11.1 Kinematics 4.11.2 Age and metallicity 4.11.3 Indices 4.11.4 Experiment 4.11.5 Photometry 4.12 A2634 4.12.2 Age and metallicity 4.12.3 Indices 4.12.4 Photometry 4.13 A2670 4.13.1 Kinematics 4.13.2 Age and metallicity 4.13.3 Indices 4.13.4 Photometry 4.14 Discussion 4.14.1 Central measurements 4.14.2 Comparison between NGC 4839 and NGC 4874 4.14.3 Radial comparison 5.1 A193 5.2 A426 5.3 A496 5.4 A754 5.5 A1413 5.6 A1656 5.7 A1795 5.8 A2162 5.9 A2199 5.10 A2366 5.11 A2589 5.12 A2634 5.13 A2670 5.14 General conclusions 5.15 Further Work A Additional analysis A.1 Linear regressions from stars A.2 Index-index Miles model A.3 Index-Index Thomson B Pipelines B.1 FWHM correction B.2 Lick indices with errors B.3 Index-Index diagram B.4 Index25 B.5 Synthetic photometry B.5.1 Kinematic plot C Extras References
dc.publisherBiblioteca Digital wdg.biblio
dc.publisherUniversidad de Guadalajara
dc.subjectGalaxias Cd
dc.titleCinemática, edades y metalicidad a lo largo del radio en una muestra de galaxias cD. (Kinematics, age and metallicity with radius in a sample of cD galaxies.)
dc.typeTesis de Doctorado
dc.rights.holderUniversidad de Guadalajara
dc.rights.holderPérez Hernández, Ernesto
dc.degree.grantorUniversidad de Guadalajara
dc.contributor.directorKemp, Simon Nicholas
dc.contributor.codirectorNigoche Netro, Alberto
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