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dc.contributor.advisorMugford Fowler, Gerrard Edwin
dc.contributor.authorLópez Valentín, Etzel
dc.description.abstractThe Present Tesis de Maestría aims to Demostrate that strategic use of the L1 in English language Classrooms is a very useful tool to accelerate the studentslearning process rather tan using the L2 as a médium of instruction. More specifically, the study focuses on the studentsúse of the mother tongue as well as the teachersúse of the mother tongue during the English clases. The Study also supports the idea that students of state secondary schools, in México, with a low socieconomic status can benefit more when using the L1 in a English Language classroom.
dc.description.tableofcontentsIndex Justification Problem Relevance of the Study General Objective Specific Objectives Research Objectives Chapter 1 Background The Teaching of English in State Secondary Schools in México General Description of the Teaching Program of English as a Foreign Language 1993 General Description of the 2006 Curriculum. Basic Education . Secondary School General Description of the 2011 Curriculum. Basic Education Curriculum for Basic Education 2017 Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework Mother Tongue (L1), Second Language (Sl), and Foreign Language (FL) Most Influential schools of thought in second language acquisition a) Structuralism/Behaviorism b) Ratinalism and Cognitive Psychology c) Constructivism Factors that affect second language learning a) Age b) Aptitude c) Motivation d) Intelligence L1 Versus L2 in the language classroom: some studies Teaching methods and approaches in favor and against the use of L1 in the L2 Context Chapter 3 Methodology type of research setting Participants Length of the study Procedure Research Design Groups Data Collection Data Collection instruments Chapter 4 Findings General Scores of the English Level of Competence Attitudes Factor Analysis of the attitude variables towards the solely use of English in the Language class (Treatment group 3rd D) Factor Analysis of the attitude variables towards the solely use of the English in the language class (Control group 3rd E) Comparison of the attitude variables towards the solely use of English in the language class for both groups Factor analysis for studentsáttitude towards the English class. Treatment group 3rd D Factor analysis for the studentsáttitude towards the English class. (Control group 3rd E) Comparison of the Attitude variables towards the English class for both groups Discussion Chapter 4 Pedagogical implications Conclusión Appendixes Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 References
dc.publisherBiblioteca Digital wdg.biblio
dc.publisherUniversidad de Guadalajara
dc.subjectSecondary School
dc.subjectBasic Education
dc.subjectMother Tongue
dc.subjectSecond Language
dc.subjectRationalism And Cognitive Psychology
dc.subjectFactors In The Second Language
dc.titleTeachers Strategic use of L1 in the FL Class in Secundaria Técnica 142, a Public Secondary School with Unfavorable Socioeconomic Background Students
dc.typeTesis de Maestría
dc.rights.holderUniversidad de Guadalajara
dc.rights.holderLópez Valentín, Etzel
dc.degree.nameMaestría en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera-
dc.degree.grantorUniversidad de Guadalajara-
dc.degree.creatorMaestra en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera-
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