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dc.contributor.advisorMugford, Gerrard
dc.contributor.advisorSantana Villegas, Josefina Del Carmen
dc.contributor.advisorGutiérrez Cham, Gerrardo
dc.contributor.authorLuna Salazar, Nazareth Ámbar Suhel
dc.description.abstractThe United Kingdom electorate chose to vote in favour of leaving the European Union in the so-called Brexit referendum held on 23rd June 2016. This referendum had an exhaustive campaign covered by the media, where most of the national press was divided between either Remain or Leave positions. Amongst the Leave campaign, its major supporters were the Tabloids, which are the newspapers with the major circulation in this country for several decades. This Tesis de Maestría analyses critically the multimodal discourse in 22 news and editorial articles of the British national tabloid The Sun, published online before the Brexit referendum took place. The finality is to find out to what extent the rhetorical discourse of the Sun depicting Brexit in both, news articles and editorial articles, have threatening elements ingrained, as a normalized representation of reality. The results suggest that, The Suns argumentative structures vary in the news and editorial articles of the corpus. However, both present similarities at the ideological level, reinforcing through rhetorical discourse threatening and polarised ideas of self-perception, the perception of the ‘other’; Euroscepticism; antiimmigration; nationalism; and sovereignty. Thus, as a rhetorical strategy to persuade readers to support Leave in the EU Referendum.
dc.description.tableofcontentsTable of Contents Chapter One: Introduction Tesis de Maestría overview Research questions Body of the Tesis de Maestría overview Chapter two: Brexit and British Press Brexit contextualization British Tabloids Communication of news before the newspaper era British Press The Sun leadership among tabloids and its leader, Murdoch The Sun and Brexit Chapter three: Literature Review Common notions: Text, Discourse, media discourse and ideology The analysis of discourse: An interdisciplinary field Critical Linguistics (CL) Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) Discourse Studies (DS) Multimodality or Multimodal CDA (MCDA) Semiotics Rhetoric Chapter four: News discourse Production of news discourse and its ideology Construction of reality and normalisation through argumentative discourse Rhetoric in news: Argumentation, persuasion and representation involved in fear discourses Legitimation and de-legitimation discourses through semiotic Chapter five: Methodology Framework of Analysis on Rhetorical Arguments Corpus Chapter six: Analysis EU Referendum articles Analysis of news articles Analysis of editorial articles Headlines and sub-headlines Headlines and sub-headlines in news articles Headlines and sub-headlines in editorial articles Main topics in the corpus Nationalism and Sovereignty Proximity and Identity Delegitimation of the other (Anti EU and Remainers) Immigration hostility Economics Chapter seven: Discussion and Conclusions Brexit coverage by the editorial and the rest of ‘writers’ The Sun’s rhetorical discourse findings regarding Brexit References Appendix I: Main British Newspapers circulation and quick facts Appendix II: Leading UK Newspaper monthly reach by platform Appendix III: UK Daily Newspaper circulation from 1950-2015 Appendix IV: Corpus articles’ web sites links Appendix V: Pictures from ART12
dc.publisherBiblioteca Digital wdg.biblio
dc.publisherUniversidad de Guadalajara
dc.subjectDiscourse Analysis
dc.titleArgumentative Discourse of fear as persuasive strategy: The case of the Sun British tabloid supporting Brexit
dc.typeTesis de Maestría
dc.rights.holderUniversidad de Guadalajara
dc.rights.holderLuna Salazar, Nazareth Ámbar Suhel
dc.type.conacytmasterThesis-ía en Estudios de las Lenguas y Culturas Inglesas- de Guadalajara- en Estudios de las Lenguas y Culturas Inglesas-
Appears in Collections:CUCSH

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