Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/73812
Título: The key factors to Develop Competitiveness
Autor: Sánchez Gutiérrez, José
Vargas Barraza, Juan Antonio
Mejía Trejo, Juan
Vázquez Ávila, Guillermo
Gaytán Cortés, Juan
Sánchez Gutiérrez, José
Vargas Barraza, Juan Antonio
Mejía Trejo, Juan
Vázquez Ávila, Guillermo
Gaytán Cortés, Juan
Fecha de titulación: 2013
Editorial: Biblioteca Digital wdg.biblio
Universidad de Guadalajara
Resumen: As the world is becoming one big market the traditional powers are facing bigger challenges as new emerging powers rise, this book shows how this new economies are facing the troubles that global competition represents. Our first article contextualizes how the Mexican corrugated cardboard industry may prevent financia! crisis haven the right indicators to be mea- sure and to improve the competitiveness of their economic sector. It's a fact that to keep competitiveness has become a challenge far countries and companies, but little is known about what Business Com- petitiveness is, and which factors are affecting it. The second work pre- sented in this book talks about it. One key element far competitiveness is intellectual capital, and the third work presents a way to determine it, using two of the main companies: Televisa, the largest Mexican media company, and Wal-Mart, measuring externa! intangible liabilities and de- scribing how information affects the value of shares. New technologies are opening new market opportunities and demol- ishing geographical barriers, and national governments are also starting to use it. The fourth work talks about the performance of Mexican Web- sites in arder to promote Mexico as a tourist destination. To evaluate the customer satisfaction in services is also a key element far tourism and competitiveness, and the fifth work propases a model far measure the customer satisfaction in Guadalajara's restaurant industry. As emerging markets are growing, also their population is increasing their purchasing power, but also their expenditures are getting higher. The six paper analyzes the architecture of finances in Mérida, Yucatan, as a need to share the knowledge of how to manage personal finances. To have a successful quality model is necessary to find which ele- ments should be included in a study, in that way any company could have a road map of what to review to improve their quality. This is presented in the seventh work, a success factors or a quality model award.
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/73812
ISBN: 978-607-9147-78-5
Aparece en las colecciones:CUCEA

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