Colección del Dr. Claudio Rafael Vásquez Martínez : [83]

Registros ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente: 61 - 80 de 83
TítuloAutor(es)Programa educativoCentro UniversitarioISSNPrograma educativoCentro UniversitarioTipo
"The dominion and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The aesthetics and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The teaching and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The illusions and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The education and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The creative rhochrematics and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The learning and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The Pedagogy of the landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"A mathematics pedagogy and rhochrematic"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The reality and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The observation and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The retrospective of the art of the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The predictable and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The weltanschauung (cosmovision) and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the electromagnetism popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The creative landscape and the pedagogic painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The colors and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The dispostio (organization by parts) and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The creativity and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The fractal and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the electromagnetism popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The environmental philosophy and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the electromagnetism popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
Registros ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente: 61 - 80 de 83