Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/106454
Título: Legal research for now and tomorrow
Palabras clave: LEY > General;Teoría general del derecho;Sociología y Antropología > Ley > Ley > Sistemas legales
Editorial: Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara
Descripción: The contests of this collections of works, all produced by members of the Doctoral Program in Law of the University of Guadalajara, have in common a profund reflection on what separates local and national law form the international dispositions in vogue, with the aim of preventing the ever -closer obsolescense of Law.The works we decided to publish are divided into the five main steams of knwoledge generation in our doctorade program: Constitutional, Criminal, Labor, Legal Philosophy an Corporate Law. Some of the subjets you will find in this book are: vital minimun, integrated water resource management, constitutional autonomy, water legislation, elements of crime, crime in adolescents, citizen security, presumption of innocence, legal advisory, labor reforms, right to health and alternative justice, vulnerabily of migrant workers, public policies on budget, discrimination againts women, interpretive argumentation, principles of tax justice and shell companies.
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/106454
metadata.dc.image: https://simehbucket.s3.amazonaws.com/images/67b6592f0d1a969ddca933f67b447c7a-medium.jpg
Aparece en las colecciones:Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara

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