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dc.descriptionSocial inclusion and the future of work is for interest to those who expect a critical but positive vision of the times we attend. Experts explain the situation of the organization, institutions and regions according to resilience, creativity and digital innovation for the future of work, social inclusion, and the sustainable development goals (SDGs). SDGs ar considered as the essential guidelines that facilitate the strategic consideration of the future of work and social inclusion in pandemic times.-
dc.publisherEditorial Universidad de Guadalajara-
dc.relationEditorial Universidad de Guadalajara-
dc.subjectNEGOCIOS ECONÓMICOS > Cultura en el lugar de trabajo-
dc.subjectEsquemas y prácticas de trabajo-
dc.subjectSociología y Antropología > Ciencias económicas > Economía del trabajo-
dc.titleSocial inclusion and the future of work-
dc.contributor.authorJosé Sánchez Gutiérrez-
dc.contributor.authorTania Elena González Alvarado-
dc.contributor.authorJosé Sánchez Gutiérrez-
dc.contributor.authorDemetrios Argyriades-
dc.contributor.authorEmma Frida Galicia Haro-
dc.contributor.authorAna Lilia Coria Páez-
dc.contributor.authorIrma Cecilia Ortega Moreno-
dc.contributor.authorLourdes Fabiola Espinoza Parada-
dc.contributor.authorRosario Lucero Cavazos Salazar-
dc.contributor.authorJesús Gerardo Cruz Álvarez-
dc.contributor.authorSofia Espinoza Vilca-
dc.contributor.authorMónica Blanco Jiménez-
dc.contributor.authorMaría Mayela Terán Cázares-
dc.contributor.authorAndrés Morales Alquicira-
dc.contributor.authorAraceli Rendón Trejo-
dc.contributor.authorIrene Guillén Mondragón-
dc.contributor.authorTania Elena González Alvarado-
dc.contributor.authorRenata Kubus-
dc.contributor.authorJosé Antonio Gutiérrez Gutiérrez-
dc.contributor.authorCarlos Estrada Zamora-
dc.contributor.authorCelestino Robles Estrada-
dc.contributor.authorDiana Isabel Torre Enríquez-
dc.contributor.authorAlberto Alejandro Suástegui Ochoa-
dc.contributor.authorLuis Alberto Bellón Álvarez-
Aparece en las colecciones:Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara

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