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dc.descriptionThe application of nonlinear time series models in economic and finance has expanded rapidly lately. Thus, it becomes important to disseminate  the  lastet research to scholars, practitioners and graduate students interested in this field.This is the main purpose of this book, wich offers a collection of studies related to economics and finance. The book is comprised by eleven chapters. All works were  peer reviewed. Six of those chapters contain applied research related to Mexico. Other chapters focus on methodological issues and on applications of nonlinear times series models to diverse problems, all related to the economy and finance.-
dc.publisherEditorial Universidad de Guadalajara-
dc.relationEditorial Universidad de Guadalajara-
dc.subjectNEGOCIOS ECONÓMICOS > Educación-
dc.subjectEstudios empresariales: general-
dc.subjectSociología y Antropología > Ciencias económicas > Ciencias económicas-
dc.contributor.authorSemei Leopoldo Coronado Ramirez-
dc.contributor.authorPedro Celso Arellano-
dc.contributor.authorCarlos O. Trejo Pech-
dc.contributor.authorRichard A. Ashley-
dc.contributor.authorThomas E. Patterson-
dc.contributor.authorTjeerd M. Boonman-
dc.contributor.authorJan P. A. M. Jacobs-
dc.contributor.authorGerard H. Kuper-
dc.contributor.authorJianing Fang-
dc.contributor.authorArkady Gevorkyan-
dc.contributor.authorAleksandr V. Gevorkyan-
dc.contributor.authorWei He-
dc.contributor.authorNyonyo A. Kyaw-
dc.contributor.authorRebeca Jiménez Rodríguez-
dc.contributor.authorMarcelo Sánchez-
dc.contributor.authorFrancisco López Herrera-
dc.contributor.authorEdgar Ortíz-
dc.contributor.authorAlejandra Cabello-
dc.contributor.authorOswaldo Morales Tristán-
dc.contributor.authorRicardo Tejeida Padilla-
dc.contributor.authorIsaías Badillo Piña-
dc.contributor.authorAbigail Rodríguez Nava-
dc.contributor.authorFrancisco Venegas Martínez-
dc.contributor.authorOmar Rojas Altamirano-
dc.contributor.authorCarlos O. Trejo Pech-
dc.contributor.authorLeslie J. Verteramo Chiu-
dc.contributor.authorCalum G. Turvey-
dc.title.alternativeTimes series and finance-
Aparece en las colecciones:Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara

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